Advice for High School
This is a short couple paragraphs about some advise that may be helpful. First piece of advice would be not to stress out about all the homework. The homework will be hard at first but i think it will be manageable as long as you turn in your work in on time and keep up to date on all projects. But really don't go into high school scared/nervous, just go into it with a positive mindset and not stressing about every little thing.
Second piece of advice for going into 9th grade is be yourself. Don't go to school as fake as can be just to impress you piers. Be who you are and let people like you for who you are. This another piece of advice that kinda goes along with the other one. Don't listen to drama. Just ignore all the drama and rumors because its just gonna be one more thing that shouldn't be stressed about.
Don't procrastinate. If you put of all your homework or projects your gonna fall behind and when your finishing the last project everyone else is starting something new. Then your grades are gonna drop and your gonna have a bad time. And don't forget to have fun! High school shouldn't be a scary experience it should be fun!